An audience member once attempted to call out comic Troy Bond as “racist” at a recent stand-up performance, but the comedian’s wit and comedy immediately eased any tension in the room.
Following Bond’s joke about supporting Biden and referring to himself as “the most pro-anti Trump comic,” a woman in the audience retaliated by claiming that Bond was racist. He kept making jokes directly at her expense rather than defusing the situation before finally ordering her out of the building.
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“No, you’re not funny,” the woman said.
“Shut the fuck up,” Bond yelled.
“No, you shut the fuck up. And a white guy trying to talk to black people about—” she said.
The woman made it obvious that she didn’t think any black person should find Bond funny as Bond cracked a joke, all in good fun. He protested, but she made her point loud and clear, and he had to contact security for an unceremonious exit from the show.
“Are you serious?” she asked in response. “You’re white and you’re trying to like, talk about…”
“I don’t know who the fuck you’re mad at, but it’s not me,” Bond said, as a security officer approached her.
“A white person trying to make fun of black people,” she continued.
“See, now you’re crying, and I was just trying to make you laugh,” he said.
“No, don’t do that,” she replied.
When the woman confronted Bond about his excessive behavior, the evening took a dramatic turn. As she was being led out of the comedy club by security, she slammed him with claims of racism, saying that he had made “the worst racist joke ever” by referring to her as Vice President Kamala Harris.
“Have a good night, Kamala Harris,” he said.
“That was the most racist joke ever!” she exclaimed. “Kamala Harris? Are you serious?”
“Don’t drop the scarf, ma’am, that was $3 at Dollar Tree, man,” he said. “Pick up the gun she left under the chair.”
The woman continued yelling “are you serious” as she exited the building.
“At what part was I being racist at?” he asked to a laughing audience after she had been escorted out. “I didn’t even get to my Jim Crow jokes yet. I got black face over here in the trunk, I was ready.”
He confronted racism head-on before bringing up his own mixed-race background, much to everyone’s astonishment and pleasure. He then remarked with a mischievous smirk that it was “too late” to make any jokes about being half black and half white.