On January 6, a powerful committee charged with giving an accurate account of what happened in the U.S. Capitol unhappily admitted that it had failed the public by failing to present an unbiased report on the riots.
The select committee’s chairman, Thompson, told CNN that they had not seen any J6 video before it was aired on Fox News. Since then, viewers around the country have been curious about this previously viewed content and have sought explanations.
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“I’m not actually aware of any member of the committee who had access,” Thompson said. “We had a team of employees who kind of went through the video.”
The “investigation” conducted on January 6 was required to provide a fair and accurate account of the incident, but it is still unclear whether panelists purposefully concealed video evidence from the public. Did they just glance over it? Or was keeping some information secret a decision that was made consciously?
The committee’s Democratic and anti-Trump Republican members, including Chairman Bennie Thompson (D), Liz Cheney (R-WY), Zoe Lofgren (CA), and Adam Schiff (D CA), unanimously adopted an extremely political report. Jamie Raskin, MD, Pete Aguilar, D CA, Stephanie Murphy, FL Elian Lurio VA. and Adam Kinzinger IL. confirm its accuracy and coherence. Despite of their political views, each side devotedly committed to producing a document that was objective and based on the data they had obtained during their research.
The J6 hearings were a farce, serving more as a venue for anti-Trump vendettas than as an opportunity to learn the truth. Had they aired film from the event, like Tucker Carlson did on Fox News regardless of one’s political outlook, it could have provided greater insight into what really happened and perhaps exonerated numerous protesters like Jacob Chansley erroneously characterized as “Q Anon Shaman”.
Chansley’s case serves as an example of the J6 committee’s misrepresentation of the events of that day; video played on Carlson’s show showed nine Capitol police officers assisting protesters in their attempt to enter the Senate chambers, where one patriot made an impassioned plea for his fellow citizens.
The state’s attempts to portray the Capitol riots as a sudden, unplanned outburst motivated by former President Donald Trump have been undermined in the face of damning camera footage. Yet, it appears a purposeful operation had taken place in order to paint events on Capitol Hill in a less favorable light. This is supported by the conduct of those engaged, which point to much more than just serendipity being at play.
With allegations that Nahanni Chansley, the suspected instigator of the violence, was really pleading for calm among demonstrators, new evidence has shown a startling turn in the Capitol riots story. He maintains that he was acting in accordance with the president’s directive to “go home.” This unexpected finding raises more questions about Donald Trump’s involvement in what occurred at the Capitol building last year.
Notwithstanding evidence to the contrary, “fact checkers” uncritically support erroneous assertions made by people in authority, sacrificing any credibility they may still have in favor of a fruitless effort to support an unpersuasive narrative.
In “fact checking” Elon Musk’s tweet of a video in which Jacob Chansley was led around by Capitol Police, ALX brought attention to the unsettling reality that Instagram is censoring content. At least three shady media organizations, AFP, Lead Stories, and Politifact, are actively participating in spreading incorrect information about this video.
“The Capitol Police literally opened the Senate chamber door for him on camera!” Musk exclaimed. “But who are you going to believe, Instagram ‘fact-checkers’ or your own lying eyes!?”
“Fact checkers” have attempted to refute a video that reportedly depicts infamous Capitol rioter Jacob Chansley breaking the law. The accusations made by these “fact checkers” may not be accurate, though, in light of his attorney’s admission that the prosecution withheld information that could have been used to Chansley’s advantage.
The defense attorney for alleged Capitol rioter Jacob Chansley, Albert Watkins, appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss his case.
“It’s a tragedy,” Watkins said. “What’s happened is truly a dagger in the heart of the justice system. We can’t allow it.”
“This is about our justice system being so compromised,” he continued. “The very integrity and core of that which we wore as a badge of honor for the entirety of our nation’s history has been rendered a vile, disgusting mess by a Department of Justice that was runnink amok.”
“And they didn’t share the video of my client, the footage of my client, with 9 officers surrounding him, peacefully wandering about, trying to help him, trying to get him access to the Senate chamber,” he added. “They didn’t because it didn’t fit their narrative.”
The Jacob Chansley case put the Democrats’ claim of a “insurrection” to the test. Uncharged agent provocateur Ray Epps lied to congressional investigators about where he was on the day of the incident, according to Carlson’s tape, but surprisingly, Trump’s detractors in politics and the media have refrained from criticizing him.
Officer Brian Sicknick was shown cheerfully moving around the rotunda despite allegedly being injured in battles with rioters in security film of the Capitol uprising, providing a glimpse into his final moments.
With a call to stop government-endorsed lies for the American people, a court motion has been submitted to the US Department of Justice contesting their narrative that demonstrators on January 6 were responsible for the murders of police officers.
Even when caught, they continue to lie.
so now the J6 committee is throwing their staffs under the bus for incomplete or incompetent research and actually admitting that they themselves never truly watched any video themselves. this in itself is shameful and should be punished by a jury of peers and possible jail time. Its called treason! They are the ones who have challenged democracy, not the former President!
Lying corrupt committee! Committee shouldn’t of been held then! Hadn’t seen the footage😕😕 The committee needs too be Held Accountable for jan.6th then.
I guess a year of extreme hatred trying to make sure the president was guilty to please the Democrat faithful kind of clouds the memories, huh? That’s like, “Oh, you’ve got proof, huh? In that case, it’s possible I may have been wrong.” The Kangaroo Court did exactly what it was supposed to do, ingrain so much hate for President Trump that it would be almost impossible for any Republican to ever win another election. Now that they’ve been caught (like a deer in the headlights of a car), they’ll do everything trying to justify the “hanging” other than come out and admit the whole thing was staged to make the Demos look good and the ‘pubs bad.
Why did they “choose” to never see this? I am so fed up with politicians!
The whole matter was designed by Nancy Pelosi. She thought she would put the blame on donald trump, but that is proving to be not true. She should leave Congress in disgrace. She is one crazy b/////. She shoulf br bill for the damage she caused to the nationms capital and be forced to pay it from the money she earned thru insider trading illegally.