
Professor Celebrates: “Zero White Students!”

A California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) journalism professor has ignited controversy after openly celebrating that his fall 2024 class consists entirely of students of color, with no white students enrolled. Critics have accused Professor Jesus Ayala of promoting racial exclusion and creating division within an academic setting.

The professor, who teaches at CSULB’s Department of Journalism and Public Relations, authored an article for the university’s publication highlighting the demographic makeup of his fall class for JOUR 482, a hands-on television news production course. Ayala enthusiastically declared the class to be “100% students of color,” contrasting this with the broader TV news industry, where, according to him, “74.3% of the TV news workforce is white.”

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“In order to diversify TV newsrooms, we need to diversify newsroom pipelines. This is what makes BTVN special,” Ayala stated, referring to the university’s Beach Television News (BTVN) program, which provides students with practical experience in television news roles such as reporting, anchoring, producing, and researching.

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