In a stunning turn of events, Linda Sun, a former top aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, was arrested on charges that she acted as an undisclosed agent for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The arrest follows a raid by federal agents earlier this year on Sun’s lavish Long Island home, where she lived with her husband, Christopher Hu. Both Sun and Hu now face a multitude of charges, including conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and money laundering.
The arrest, confirmed by the FBI, has sent shockwaves through political circles. Linda Sun, who once served as the highest-ranking Asian-American official in Hochul’s administration, has been accused of using her position of influence to further the interests of the Chinese government. The couple’s connection to the CCP has raised serious national security concerns, with allegations that Sun covertly promoted Chinese agendas at the highest levels of New York State government.
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Federal agents raided the couple’s $3.5 million home located in the exclusive Stone Hill gated community in Long Island earlier this year. While the raid itself did not result in any arrests at the time, the nature of the investigation remained shrouded in mystery—until now.
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