
Biden and Dems Hit with Bad News Among Crucial Voters!

The Arab American Institute commissioned a countrywide poll, the findings of which were just announced and are startling. According to the research, Arab Americans’ support for President Biden and the Democratic Party has significantly declined. The survey, which was carried out by well-known pollster John Zogby Strategies, reveals a number of significant findings that are irreversible.

Arab Americans see a sharp decline in Joe Biden’s popularity, from 74% in 2020 to a startling 29% in 2023. This broad drop is consistent with patterns observed in the American populace as a whole.

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Surprisingly, the demographics of Arab American voters are shifting in key swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. Support for Biden has dramatically changed, falling from 59% to only 17%, marking a 42% reduction since 2020.

Although the Democratic Party has traditionally been preferred by the majority of Arab Americans, this survey reveals a revolutionary trend. A stunning shift has occurred: after 26 years of affiliation, the majority of Arab Americans no longer support the Democratic Party.

Unexpected changes in Arab Americans’ political loyalties have been shown by new statistics. Now, a sizable 32% identify as Republicans, outnumbering the 23% who identify as Democrats. Even more dramatically, October 2023 marks a critical turning point in Arab American politics as Independents gain the lead for the first time.

The recent violence in Israel and Palestine has had a significant impact on the American Arab population, and the majority of them disagree with President Biden’s response. growing alarm over antisemitism on the rise.

Independent polling data validates what many have been speculating about: President Biden’s dismal support rating among Democrats. In only one month, Biden has suffered a startling 11-point decrease, according to the most recent Gallup survey. The mishandled pullout from Afghanistan, the worrisome spike in inflation, and the growing hostilities in the Middle East—exemplified by the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas militants—are the obvious causes of this drop. These topics have sparked intense discussion and generated valid worries.

Biden has been under fire from members of his own party for his perceived tight ties to Israel and his perceived lack of sympathy for the Palestinian people, despite his declaration of “rock solid and unwavering” support for Israel. The demand that Biden provide Palestinians greater humanitarian relief has becoming stronger, particularly as the crisis gets worse.

There’s a worrying pattern in Biden’s declining approval numbers. The man’s approval rating dropped from 57% to 43% in a matter of months. The Democratic Party’s future in 2024 may be affected by these sharp and notable reductions.

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Prepare for a political confrontation! Historically, midterm elections have resulted in a loss of congressional seats for the ruling party. However, given Biden’s declining popularity, this tendency could worsen. Republicans’ strong disdain of Biden serves as a reminder of the profound differences in American politics, and when you combine all of this, you have an even more complex political environment than before.

Gains Are Needed by the Democratic Party and Joe Biden in Key Swing States for the 2024 Elections

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