
Dana White Drops Bombshell Kamala Harris Clip!

In the final stretch leading up to the 2024 election, Ultimate Fighting Championship President Dana White took to social media to share a video that, according to him, should have Americans concerned. His post on the platform X (formerly Twitter) featured a clip of Vice President Kamala Harris stumbling through an interview answer, which White believes highlights her inability to lead.

White, known for his blunt approach, didn’t hold back. “She is incapable of putting a sentence together without a teleprompter and even she appears to know she is in way over her head,” White wrote in his post. The video in question captures a cringe-worthy moment from Harris’s recent interview with late-night TV host Stephen Colbert, a venue typically friendly to the current administration.

Vice President Kamala Harris, left, produced a baffling collection of meaningless platitudes Tuesday while trying to explain to Stephen Colbert what would distinguish her presidency from President Joe Biden’s. UFC CEO Dana White, right, said her lack of ability to form coherent thoughts “should scare everyone.” (Brandon Bell / Getty Images; Michael Simon / Getty Images)

I’m 1776% sure no one will be taking… Check this out!

During the interview on CBS’s “Late Night with Stephen Colbert,” Harris was asked a fairly straightforward question: “Under a Harris administration, what would the major changes be, and what would stay the same?” With less than a month to go until the election, the expectation was that Harris would have a polished, coherent response ready. Instead, what followed was a flurry of awkward pauses and empty rhetoric.

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